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Even in the world of fashion, yellow seems to be the favourite colour when things are generally going
well for that particular country, or for the world at large. This feeling that 'all is well' is reflected in the
colours worn by the population. In the halcyon days of Australia's mining boom of the sixties, mini-
skirts were all the rage, and the most popular colours yellow and orange.
Green: Here is a colour that is detected in the auras of doctors and nurses, and those associated with
the healing arts. I remember being a patient, as a child, at Calvary Hospital in Hobart. The wards were
pale green, the sheets were green, and some of the nuns wore green veils. There is a hospital in
Melbourne that treats bone diseases, and when the patient is about to be taken to the operating theatre,
they are dressed in a green gown, and the nurses wear green. Is this all happening by chance? Is it just
coincidence, or do we know subconsciously that green is the prime colour of healing?
In most cases, green is seen in company with many other colours, and it sometimes tends to be
overshadowed. In other words, it is not always a dominating colour. If, however, there is quite a lot of
green in the aura, that person wishes to impress others. They wish to have their own way. They resist
change. If it's not usual for someone to wear green, but they start to use it suddenly, there is probably
a striving for improved health.
If the green tends towards blue, then you are dealing with one who is kind and trustworthy. A lemony-
green is said to indicate some deceitfulness. The green is weakened in that case. Green has been
coupled with the emotion of jealousy. This is indicated when the yellow in an aura starts to become
suffused with green. You then have two basic colours, each vying for dominance.
Blue: This is the colour of inspiration, of the spirit. Edgar Cayce regarded it as the colour of prayer,
contemplation, and heaven. While Ursula Roberts spoke of blues and purples as the colours that flash
in the aura when work of an uplifting nature is undertaken. It is the colour of selflessness.
The darker shades of blue are the most desirable. For example, the famous Luscher psychological
Colour Test, from Switzerland shows dark blue as representing peace. In sickness and exhaustion the
need for this colour increases. Those who favour a dark blue like to have a calm and ordered
environment about them. It is the barometer of a person's integrity, and reflects their compassion for
others. Those who are most attracted to the deeper shades of blue, have found their niche in life,
usually fulfilling a desire to be of help to others. Social workers are often attracted to this colour.
The only slightly negative aspect of this colour is a tendency for the person to be a little moody. But
for the most part, contentment is uppermost in that person's mind.
Pale blue reflects some immaturity, but a striving towards positive goals in life, a trier. Although
frustrations will invariably occur, the direction taken, will be the right one for that individual. Blue
corresponds physically to the skin, and emotionally to tenderness. If thoughts are directed towards the
needs of other people, and a desire to help is projected, the aura becomes shot with blue.
Violet: Although somewhat of a mixture of red and blue, this is quite a distinct colour with much
meaning to a psychic. Here we find a person who is religiously minded. Someone not involved in the
material world, but rather in the spiritual realm. A seeker after truth.
The very nature of the colour and its origins in red and blue shows a sensitivity, closely allied to a
comfortable blend of energy and contemplation, with a feeling for the magical things of life. The
intuition is at work more often than the reasoning faculty.
The garments of higher church dignitaries tend to go from a darker blue, to shades of purple and
violet. Here again we find a reflection of the true nature of these colours and shadings. Violet is
connected to the body's glandular functions.
Brown: Not a good colour, one that indicates a feeling of insecurity. A passiveness, a lack of drive
and energy. It is often a colour preferred by lazy people. Some yellow is often chosen to go with
brown, to add life and a happier disposition to an otherwise drab appearance.
Often a feeling of repression is shown in the preference for brown. It is an indication that the sensory
functions of the body are being adversely affected. With a predominance of brown, goes the desire for
more security, a need to belong. It is the prime colour of the earth, and therein lies the longing for
roots, for home and security, a place to belong to.
Grey: The colour of ill-health, an absolute lack of colour, reflecting a lack of energy. A complete
negation of the very life-force. Indicating a lack of involvement, sitting on the fence, standing apart.
Often, there is some self-deception evident when grey is the preferred colour. If we look at fashion
dictates, we find that grey is 'in' when conditions are trying. But even here, there is the need to offset
the grey with a splash of red, to add some life and energy. In the Luscher Colour Test, it is pointed out
that leading figures in business and industry often choose grey in their choice of three preferred
colours. This indicated a form of self-deception. Thereby bearing out a widely-held psychological
theory, that those who excel or stand out from their fellows, do so less out of their own natural
superiority, than out of a compelling urge to escape something which causes anxiety and discontent.
There is probably one reason why those who are engaged in business, don't always have a happy
home life. They relate much better to the business world. There tends to be a separation between the
more in timate needs of the family at home, and the individual. A standoffish ness, and a failure to
communicate on a personal level where a dis tinctly emotional tie is avoided.
Black: Gaps are often seen in auras, according to psychics. Whether this indicates black in that aura,
or just an absence of colour, nobody seems to really know. In the case of a person being attracted to
black, a lot more can be deduced about the personality of the wearer or user. Black to a psychic
symbolises death. Jeanne Dixon reported hands clothed in black unscrewing the name of Lyndon B.
Johnston, in one of her visions foretelling the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
The Luscher Test says that a person choosing black as their favourite 'colour' is showing
compensatory behaviour of an extreme nature. A person who wants to renounce everything. A protest
against a state in which there is the distinct feeling that nothing is as it should be. There is revolt
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