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alarm clock), especially through the first two weeks of working with this course.
" The Flash-Response method of problem-solving, great for your rotation. Practice activities
are done daily, while practices for your rotation, you do ONE of your rotated practices
every day but a different one every day. Any one rotated exercise might get practiced once
every week or once every ten days or however often, depending upon what else you have
in that rotation and whether you want to invest more than 20 minutes per day to
developing your brain.
" The various forms of Freenoting, in rotation with each other and in rotation with some of
the other brain-building practices.
" Remind yourself of your goals  why you are increasing your intelligence and what s
inspiring your push forward in that process. Remind yourself several times daily of the
 Prime Motivator goal you ve posted at home and at work.
" Crab Apple is a good problem-solving procedure and practice to use in your rotation.
" The Image Streaming is an outstandingly valuable daily practice, 5 to 15 minutes each
" Training your eyes and decongesting, how much depending upon how much of a factor
that aspect may be in your life. Whatever it takes to get good at ping pong, playing that
game daily or 2-3 times a week. Drinking more good water and eating some raw fruits and
raw vegetables. Eye-tracking the swinging contraption.
" Practice playing a wind instrument or brass, or singing in a group, or aerobics, several
times a week. Tai Chi can be every day or thrice a week to have the desired effects fairly
soon. Held-breath underwater swimming needs to be done on a special concentrated
schedule in order to have the most permanent expansive effect on your Carotid arteries
and brain circulation.
" We strongly recommend a concentrated three-week period in which, each day, you spend
an hour s total time at the bottom of the pool, stretching the time you can remain
underwater on one breath.
Exercise 22: Freenote Review Exercise
Described here is a special activity that Win suggests you do to end this session. With a tape
recorder or live partner for 15 minutes, or with a notepad for 20 minutes, please Freenote
everything that comes to mind about brain building. Not only what you ve learned here, but
EVERYTHING that comes to mind in the context of building brains, minds, abilities. It s a great
review process, and you will likely discover many new insights that you might not have realized
by doing it. Remember to rapidly flow without pause or hesitation or any kind of letup,
uninterrupted for 15 minutes to partner or tape recorder, or 20 minutes on notepad.
Listed below are four very simple things that Dr. Wenger suggests you to do with what you ve
just Freenoted:
1. Pick the very most interesting idea or thought that you expressed during that Freenote.
Usually, that most interesting entry will come near the end of the Freenoting or brainstorming.
2. Write out in one or two short sentences that most interesting thought, idea or observation.
3. Depending upon how you feel about what you said in that very short paragraph, please put
either a large question mark at its end or a large exclamation point.
4. Write out in large print two copies of that very short paragraph, including that large question
mark or that exclamation point. Post these where you will see them frequently through the day,
one at home and the other at work.
Session 7: Feedback Reinforcement
In this session Win begins by introducing Marion Diamond and her research with rats as
evidence that feedback is key in the development of intelligence building. To start this lesson,
you will need a half-dozen or so index cards and a red magic marker. You also need a full-size
notepad and pen.
Eye Squinting (do not do this while driving)
Squint your eyes, leaving them barely enough open that you can still see easily everything that s
around you.
With your eyes so squinted, notice it takes a definite interval of time to figure out some of what
you see or what some objects are, even familiar ones. Why is this, and what does this
phenomenon mean for us? Perhaps that with eyes squinted down that even familiar things [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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